[wsfii-discuss] EU comission survey about NGA
Ramon Roca
ramon.roca at guifi.net
Wed Nov 12 00:02:16 UTC 2008
We are writing this:
We're getting close to the deadline (Nov 14th).
Although we do explain specifics from here. might inspire some of you /
you might want to support it.
Comments / corrections (we're not english native) are welcome.
En/na Ramon Roca ha escrit:
> http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/08/1370&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
> We're thinking on the convienience for giving our feedback on this.
> Although until now we've been primarily working in providing a last mile
> access based on wireless, we think that we could have something to say
> here. Although many of us have been building infraestructures which
> provides internet, the internet itself is coming in many cases through
> conventional ISPs because of municipalities or individuals who sahre
> their internet.
> Would make sense that once built a last mile infrastructure with a
> self-service/community we don't have to be discriminated for not being a
> conventional telco operator, and we should be granted to access to the
> internet as well, so could make sense to make a petition to the EU
> commission asking for establishing a way for enabling this.
> I would like to know if it can be done together with other communities
> within the EU.
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