[wsfii-discuss] wifi hard disk

Alexander Morlang alx at dd19.de
Sat Oct 25 20:21:06 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ramnarayan.K schrieb:
> Hi
> For quite some time i drooled about having a wifi hard disk and what
> possibilities it lent it self too, so having the time ran a search and
> am posting this result
> http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/13/live-from-cebit-the-widrive-wifi-drive-enclosure/
> the reviewer points out that "I am doubting that past the cool factor
> whether it would actually be useful for something. But, I guess anything
> that gets rid of wires is good."
> but to me this seems to have many possibilities (and questions) for one
> if this device ends up having its own i address means that it could be
> used more interactively. Would not a device that appears in the browser
> with an index have possibilities - where one cannot afford to have a
> more expensive server / computer.
> Also another question - how hard would a DIY device like this be and is
> there a way that such a device could be placed alongside a wifi router
> and powered over ethernet or by whatever the wifi device is powered by.
> And the few uses i can think of
> 1. Bak up
> 2. Localised content that can be accessed by say an html index . thus
> avoiding a server
> any comments

you should look out for a device supported by openwrt, as this will give
you the freedom of installing any piece of software supported by the
huge package repository.

also, the new upcoming release will contain luci, a lua based MVC web
framework for embedded linux.

this enables you to create web applications on these devices, which are
usually ways to small to support traditional webservice infrastructure
like php, mysql, apache, etc.

as i heard, there are already people coding a blog application in lua,
so you can run it on all this small linuxrouters out there.

the table of hardware is here:

gruss, Alex
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