[ckan-discuss] New dataset catalog to add

McKeel, Ryan Ryan.McKeel at nrel.gov
Mon Dec 5 23:21:27 GMT 2011


	Thank you for your prompt response.
	OpenEI can be considered both a set of crowd-sourced datasets and a
crowd-sourced catalog.  The structured wiki represents dozens of datasets;
some are well-baked and subject matter expert approved, and others are
growing from a crowd-sourced model (see
http://en.openei.org/wiki/Special:Categories for the categories of our
structured information).  OpenEI datasets represents a catalog (and in
many cases, we have the source data file also) of more than 650 energy
	Additionally, outside organizations such as the Tetherless World
Constellation, considers OpenEI a catalog on its site.  TWC helps
transition datasets on Data.gov to RDF format, and claims to be the
largest (in # of triples) endpoint on the LOD graph.  The link for this
use of OpenEI as an open energy data catalog is here:

Perhaps that will help explain OpenEI and whether it would be correct to
categorize on datacatalogs.org.  We are also listed at

Thanks for your consideration,

Ryan McKeel — Senior Web Applications Engineer — National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Data Analysis and Visualization Group — Phone: 303-275-3819

On 12/2/11 7:47 PM, "Rufus Pollock" <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:

>Hi Ryan,
>It sounds like OpenEI is more like a dataset (albeit a large one) than
>a "data catalog". As such, it may be better to adding it to
>http://thedatahub.org/ rather than http://datacatalogs.org/
>On 2 December 2011 20:20, McKeel, Ryan <Ryan.McKeel at nrel.gov> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>        I am new to this CKAN list, but I wanted to offer a dataset to be
>> potentially added to the lists at datacatalogs.org.  OpenEI.org carries
>> broad variety of energy data, both in structured wiki format (which then
>> is translated into RDF and accessible at http://en.openei.org/sparql),
>> in datasets, some of which are also accessible via RDF.
>>        I think OpenEI would be a good candidate for a listing of
>> data catalogs, though the United States catalog would also work to post
>> since it carries a variety of U.S. national information also.
>> http://en.openei.org/services gives details on how to access the data,
>> though we are working on more easily accessible developer resources.
>>        OpenEI is also on the linked open data chart at linkeddata.org.
>> Thanks for your consideration!
>>  Ryan
>> Ryan McKeel ‹ Senior Web Applications Engineer ‹ National Renewable
>> Laboratory, Data Analysis and Visualization Group ‹ Phone: 303-275-3819
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