[open-data-manual] Welcome to the new list - some things to think about already :)

Tim McNamara paperless at timmcnamara.co.nz
Tue May 31 10:31:40 UTC 2011

Hi all

Great to see everyone's interest. This is a really great project to be part
of. I hope that we can build on the work done last year and build a thriving
community around the manual.

Some news:

 - Very soon the current Wordpress site will be switched over to Sphinx
 - Content is stored here https://bitbucket.org/okfn/opendatamanual

Things to do:

 - more contributors :)
 - plan priorities
 - we need a nice theme, any suggestions?
 - decide on a licence

More Contributors

The manual's success depends on it having a community of users. One great
way of building that community is to have several people writing content and
deciding priorities. Our content is fairly well targeted towards people
inside of government making their data available at the moment. There's a
much bigger. Can you suggest ways of reaching out that way?

To start with, we need an easy guide to get people up and running with hg &
cloning a repository. Are there any takers for gathering some useful links
and turning that into a wiki page?

Plan Priorities

When we do have more contributions, we'll need to start to channel that
energy. What do people see as the important steps of the manual's success?
 How to we define success?

It would be useful to have a planning session to make some decisions. My
time is quite flexible and I would love to connect with others who have
joined the list about getting your input.


At the moment, the default Sphinx thing is well.. default. Suggestions about
improving this are welcome.


It may be worthwhile for the early contributors to establish a licence that
newcomers can opt-in to. What are peoples' peferences?

Thanks again everyone for your enthusiasm.

Tim McNamara
Professional \\  paperlessprojects.com
Personal \\  @timClicks <http://twitter.com/timClicks>  |  timmcnamara.co.nz
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