[open-government] Stop Secret Contracts! Launch of new global campaign

Adarkwah Dickman dickmadarkwah at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 13:46:22 UTC 2014

Hi Theodora, 
I think the Open Government Partnership will be a great start to push this Agenda. I have a little concern with G8 and G20.
If G8 starts to propagate this petition, it will feel forced on some countries and it will be hard to get third world countries involved. Many Countries like to appear independent and most of the time act to disassociate themselves from what the G8/advanced world supports. An instance is the Gay/Homosexual rights. My country feels strongly that the advance world is trying to choke it in its throat. So I think engaging a platform that has both advanced and developing economies will be a good start.

Best Regards
Dickman Adarkwah
Events Director

Youth Economic Dialogue

On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:22 PM, Theodora Middleton <theodora.middleton at okfn.org> wrote:
Hi James,

The aim of the petition, along with the growing list of supporting civil society orgs, is to build a strong call from civil society to governments. We, and campaign partners, will be engaging at key international events this year including the G8, G20 and OGP events to push this up the agenda, and will be supporting national level advocacy by groups working in countries around the world. We are coordinating closely with other established initiatives in this area to help popularise what can sometimes seem a bureaucratic issue. 

Does that help? Feel free to ask more questions, and also to make any suggestions as to how you think the campaign could be most effective! 

All the best,


On 27 February 2014 16:25, James McKinney <james at opennorth.ca> wrote:

I'm in favor of stopping secret contracts, but I can't tell what this campaign is doing to stop them, besides signing a petition?
>On 2014-02-27, at 10:59 AM, Theodora Middleton wrote:
>Hi all (apologies for cross-posting :-) ),
>>Today we have launched a new campaign, Stop Secret Contracts, calling for an end to secrecy in government contracts. We believe this is a crucial issue which goes to the heart of transparency and accountability in government, and we're really excited to be joined by over 30 organisations around the world, including the Sunlight Foundation, Transparency International and Global Witness.
>>The website is here: http://StopSecretContracts.org/
>>The blog post is here: http://blog.okfn.org/2014/02/27/stop-secret-contracts-new-global-campaign-launched/
>>Image here: http://stopsecretcontracts.org/promo.png
>>We're tweeting on #SecretContracts
>>If you support the aims of the campaign, please sign the petition! If you would like to get more involved, get in touch with contact at stopsecretcontracts.org
>>Please do share far and wide! 
>>All the best,
>>Theodora Middleton
>>Press Officer  |  skype: theodora.middleton
>>TheOpen Knowledge Foundation
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Theodora Middleton
Press Officer  |  skype: theodora.middleton
TheOpen Knowledge Foundation
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