[annotator-dev] Annotator offline and touch device support

Aron Carroll aron.carroll.lists at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 16:13:37 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I was recently contracted by an eBook company (Compendio <http://www.compendio.ch/>) to work on a couple of plugins to add local storage and touch device support to Annotator. They've kindly offered to open source them in the hope that others will find them useful.

They're available under the MIT licence and can be found on GitHub.

Touch Plugin: https://github.com/aron/annotator.touch.js
Offline Plugin: https://github.com/aron/annotator.offline.js

I was wondering if we should start a page on the Annotator wiki to collate these third party plugins?


Aron Carroll, Front-end Developer
http://aroncarroll.com • 07790 940606

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