[annotator-dev] nice work

Adam Hyde adam.hyde at sourcefabric.org
Mon Mar 5 16:27:29 UTC 2012

Well we are looking to incorporate it with booktype as we have been asked
to look at annotations for reviewing and blind reviewing of academic
material. We are just starting to discuss this but maybe we should open the
discussion up to also include your dev team? We would like to make contribs
if we end up using it but maybe its a good idea to start the conversation
early. Do you have time for a voice chat sometime in the next week or so?

On 5 Mar 2012 17:16, "Nick Stenning" <nick at whiteink.com> wrote:

Thank you both for your kind words! We're looking forward to making
Annotator and it's service incarnation, AnnotateIt, even better over
the coming months. Do chime in either here on GitHub about what you'd
like to see in the future.


On 3 Mar 2012, at 14:31, Samuel Klein <sjklein at post.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Yeah :) It deserves mu...
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