[annotator-dev] Are you using Annotator?

Dan Whaley dwhaley at hypothes.is
Wed Jan 8 02:51:22 UTC 2014

We periodically poll this list to try to understand who might be using or considering the use of Annotator or Annotator derivatives in projects, either as-is or as part of a larger project, product or service.  Or if you’re building an Annotator plug-in. 

I’d like to do so again now.

The resulting list is for all of us to use when we talk about the Annotator community, to convey the diversity of use cases and affiliated projects, and for discussions with funders to help make the case for support of the core platform.

The current list of projects I’ve got identified is as follows, please correct anything or suggest additional entries.  Please forgive thoughtless, obvious omissions.

I’ve created this list as a google spreadsheet with world-writable permissions.  Long term maybe that’s not wise, but for now, it might be easier if everyone just managed their own info the way they’d prefer?

The list:

Open Video Annotation (Harvard)
Annotation Studio (MIT)
Max Planck Insitute (I have a placeholder here from before but don’t know the project or person.)
Annocryst? (University of Queensland, any other projects Anna?)
Finals Club
Project Madison (OpenGov Foundation)
Peer Library 

Thank you,

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