[annotator-dev] AnnotatorJs on iFrame

Gianpaolo Trotta gianpaolo.trotta at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 10:08:18 UTC 2015

I use readiumJS to read ebook.
I would annotate this ebook but ebook viewer is in an iFrame.
I add js and css annotator's files in head of iFrame but annotator doesn't
work maybe because

<div class="annotator-notice"></div>
<div class="annotator-touch-widget annotator-touch-controls

are in the document of html container page and not in the document of

The annotator js file is minified and so i can't modify it.

Any suggest?
Or, can I have not minified file?

*Gianpaolo Francesco TROTTA*
*Dottore triennale in Ingegneria Informatica*
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