[annotator-dev] To Web Annotation (from Annotator 2.x)

Benjamin Young bigbluehat at hypothes.is
Thu Jul 30 14:54:20 UTC 2015

I've been working on some (deliberately very) basic conversion code to
turn Annotator 2.x JSON output into Web Annotation Data Model.

Here's what I've got so far:http://bigbluehat.github.io/to-web-annotation/

Code lives at:https://github.com/BigBlueHat/to-web-annotation

The hope is to build the SimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork to move
Annotator JSON docs into the wide world of Web Annotation.

I've posted more JSON-LD related thoughts to the W3C list (which is public
for anyone to join FYI!):

It'd be great to hear thoughts on this project and approach from the
Annotator side.

The slightly longer term objective is to make this conversion (once I'm
sure it's correct/working well) available as an Annotator plugin for use
with storage providers that "speak" Web Annotation.

Feedback welcome!
Developer Advocate
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