[annotator-dev] Community Call Recap 5/27/15

Andrew Magliozzi andrew at finalsclub.org
Wed May 27 21:54:27 UTC 2015

Hi Annotators,

I hope you're all having a good day.  If you missed our community call, I'm
about to make your day even better by sharing all our latest and greatest
topics of discussion.

The primary agenda item today focused on whether we should apply for
Annotator to become a part of the Apache Foundation Incubator program
<http://incubator.apache.org/>.  It would be a lot of work, but the
benefits could lead to greater adoption / use and an even wider community
of contributors.

Part and parcel to that conversation, we also discussed how we can continue
to promote Annotator 2.0, improve the documentation, and promote more folks
to use and contribute.

We'll be holding another (hopefully better attended) community call next
month.  So stay tuned for the Doodle.  In the meantime, we'll be starting
some dedicated threads about Apache, Docs, and more.  We want to hear your
voices - and read your tickets and review your pull requests!  ;-)

Many thanks,

PS - For the full notes, see the "News" section of annotatorjs.org
<http://annotatorjs.org/news/> in the next day or two.

[image: Inline image 1]

Andrew Magliozzi
*FinalsClub Foundation*
*www.KarmaNotes.org <http://www.KarmaNotes.org>*

T - 617-575-9369
E - Andrew at FinalsClub.org

FinalsClub exists thanks to funding from the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation and generous scholars like you.
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