[annotator-dev] Community Call Recap 5/27/15

Andrew Magliozzi andrew at finalsclub.org
Wed May 27 23:40:06 UTC 2015

PS - For a sneak peak at the full notes of today's meeting, check out the


On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Andrew Magliozzi <andrew at finalsclub.org>

> Hi Annotators,
> I hope you're all having a good day.  If you missed our community call,
> I'm about to make your day even better by sharing all our latest and
> greatest topics of discussion.
> The primary agenda item today focused on whether we should apply for
> Annotator to become a part of the Apache Foundation Incubator program
> <http://incubator.apache.org/>.  It would be a lot of work, but the
> benefits could lead to greater adoption / use and an even wider community
> of contributors.
> Part and parcel to that conversation, we also discussed how we can
> continue to promote Annotator 2.0, improve the documentation, and promote
> more folks to use and contribute.
> We'll be holding another (hopefully better attended) community call next
> month.  So stay tuned for the Doodle.  In the meantime, we'll be starting
> some dedicated threads about Apache, Docs, and more.  We want to hear your
> voices - and read your tickets and review your pull requests!  ;-)
> Many thanks,
> Andrew
> PS - For the full notes, see the "News" section of annotatorjs.org
> <http://annotatorjs.org/news/> in the next day or two.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> --
> Andrew Magliozzi
> Founder
> *FinalsClub Foundation*
> *www.KarmaNotes.org <http://www.KarmaNotes.org>*
> T - 617-575-9369
> E - Andrew at FinalsClub.org
> FinalsClub exists thanks to funding from the William and Flora Hewlett
> Foundation and generous scholars like you.

Andrew Magliozzi
*FinalsClub Foundation*
*www.KarmaNotes.org <http://www.KarmaNotes.org>*

T - 617-575-9369
E - Andrew at FinalsClub.org

FinalsClub exists thanks to funding from the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation and generous scholars like you.
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