[annotator-dev] updating annotation locations

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at gmail.com
Wed May 6 21:31:09 UTC 2015

Okay, good to know!  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Randall Leeds <tilgovi at hypothes.is> wrote:

> They are not expected to be updated and Annotator itself makes no
> guarantee or attempt to do so.
> I'm working on non-Annotator-specific anchoring libraries this week, and
> it's my top priority. This includes anchoring by quotation.
> I will email the list and bump this thread, along with the one earlier
> today about PDF where I said the same, when I have something to show.
> On May 6, 2015 1:00 PM, "Shauna Gordon-McKeon" <shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> When I update the content that is being annotated, moving but not
>> removing the quoted text, existing annotations do not shift their locations
>> as I would expect them to, but instead continue to cover the previous
>> ranges.  How is Annotator supposed to work in this regard?  When do the
>> ranges get updated?  Any insight that could help me debug this is
>> appreciated.
>> best
>> Shauna
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