[annotator-dev] updating annotation locations

Amanda Visconti amandavisconti at gmail.com
Thu May 7 12:42:12 UTC 2015

I've manually dealt with re-locating annotations; until there's a better
fix, you can fix the locations directly where you're stored. I wrote up my
process here (
It's specific to relocating annotations using Annotator in Drupal, and I
was relocating them because of structural changes in the page that shifted
the highlights off the appropriate quotes, but maybe it will help?
Amanda Visconti

> When I update the content that is being annotated, moving but not removing
> the quoted text, existing annotations do not shift their locations as I
> would expect them to, but instead continue to cover the previous ranges.
> How is Annotator supposed to work in this regard?  When do the ranges get
> updated?  Any insight that could help me debug this is appreciated.
> best
> Shauna
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