[annotator-dev] Road Map Followup

Ken Albers ken.albers at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 21:29:30 UTC 2016

I just wanted to piggyback on the question/answer from last month about the
roadmap (
https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/annotator-dev/2016-February/001593.html ).

I had chosen Annotator this past fall as the basis for a plugin to allow
for annotation on the Omeka platform, in part because of the option for
local storage and image annotation support. Initially, I was working with
the 1.2.x versions, but eventually abandoned that, as the Annotator plugin
which provided the image annotations (http://annotorious.github.io/)
required a much older version of, well, a number of things, including
jQuery and Annotator to function. It seemed to have fallen significantly
out of step with Annotator, and would have required a substantial rewrite.
As such, I turned my attention to the 2.0 version, which had image
annotation on the roadmap.

However, per your earlier message, it seems as though Annotator could be
petering out. I'm mostly surprised because it had seemed that hypothes.is
and the W3C Annotation standards had some ties to Annotator, adding some
additional stability (for what already appeared a stable project). I'm
familiar with the tenuous funding of projects like this, but I'm curious-is
there anyone else funded to work on it, or do you anticipate being funded
to work on it again? We could possibly provide some contributions to the
project, but if there is no long term maintenance plan, then that might not
be the best course for us to take.

Thank you for any information and/or recommendations you can offer on this

Take care,
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