[annotator-dev] Annotations Not Being Stored With Associated User

Kelsey Ferencz kelsey at concentrekgroup.com
Tue May 17 18:30:33 UTC 2016

I am using Annotate 1.2 with AnnotateIt storage. I have generated a token with consumerKey (from my account), userId, issuedAt, and ttl, as well as the secret, and verified it against jwt.io to make sure it is returning the correct data. This token is then provided in the token area for the Auth plugin. Code below:

var content = $('body').annotator();

content.annotator('addPlugin', 'Auth', {
  tokenUrl: '/auth/token',
  token: 'TOKENREMOVED',
  autoFetch: true

content.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store', {
  prefix: 'http://annotateit.org/api',

content.annotator('addPlugin', 'Permissions', {
    user: 'kferencz',
    permissions: {
      'read':   [],
      'update': [],
      'delete': [],
      'admin':  []

When I do this, the annotations "stick" and if I reload the page, I can see the annotations with the username "kferencz" attached. I can continue to make updates and add new annotations.

However, if I log into my kferencz account, or I try to query that username through the API, no results show up/there are no annotations. What would be causing this? The annotations have to be stored somewhere for them to be "sticking" and showing up for others accessing the site, so I'm confused as to what is going on here. Any help?? I was trying to debug the annotations, but couldn't figure out how to print the raw annotations in my console either. Any help would be appreciated. I would like to, down the line, be able to query all annotations by kferencz and display them, so I'm not sure what step is being missed here.

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