[Bibjson-dev] omnidator

Michael Hausenblas michael.hausenblas at deri.org
Mon Jun 20 07:51:18 UTC 2011


> Michael, let me encourage you to join the bibjson-dev list
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/bibjson-dev
> to participate further in our exchanges about bibjson. We are in the  
> process of reformulating the
> bibjson spec http://www.bibkn.org/bibjson/index.html both so BibJSON  
> can serve as the
> format over which BibServer display software can run, and to provide  
> a lingua franca for bibliographic
> data exchange compatible with LD notions.

I joined the bibjson-dev list now.

> Thanks again Michael for such a positive response! I very much hope  
> you can contribute further to
> the bibjson dev.

Thank *you* for the proactive and open approach and looking forward to  
a fruitful collaboration!

Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

On 17 Jun 2011, at 15:15, Jim Pitman wrote:

> Many thanks William for the intro, and Michael for the quick and  
> encouraging response.
> Also glad to meet you.
>> I know, use and love bibutils - very happy to collaborate, here!
> Excellent! Your experience with bibutils  conversions should be very  
> useful. I have always
> wanted to see bibutils or similar supported as a webservice, much as  
> you are providing omnidator.
> I did not test omnidator at all yet, but the principle of it is  
> great. I very much hope that the
> community around BibJSON is able to support a similar tool for  
> mapping to/from BibJSON.
> I am completely neutral about what is used as the hub format, as  
> long as it is well supported,
> and I can get JSON in and out.
> Michael, let me encourage you to join the bibjson-dev list
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/bibjson-dev
> to participate further in our exchanges about bibjson. We are in the  
> process of reformulating the
> bibjson spec http://www.bibkn.org/bibjson/index.html both so BibJSON  
> can serve as the
> format over which BibServer display software can run, and to provide  
> a lingua franca for bibliographic
> data exchange compatible with LD notions.
>> As far as I understood, Jim simply stated the general fact that if  
>> you
>> want to translate from N languages to N languages you would, in the
>> naive case, need N^2-N converters, whereas applying the Lingua Franca
>> pattern [1] one can cut it down to 2N. This is true for bibutils and
>> as well for omnidator. Nothing new here and no criticism implied ;)
> Indeed. This was not even my text. I just cut/pasted from the  
> bibutils site.
>> Jim said:
>>> ] We need a strategy/architecture for managing conversions to/from
>>> BibJSON, presumably a webservice like omnidator, and some community
>>> development to support this over time.
>> ... and William rightly pointed out:
>>> To the extent that bibjson can be aligned with json-ld using a
>>> suitable vocabulary a lot of this can come along for free. To
>>> the extent that we need or want bibtex/mods/marc21/etc i/o it is
>>> then just as simple as writing the necessary parsers/serialisers,
>>> and we could just use omnidator or a only slightly modified variant.
>> Indeed. JSON-LD [2] alignment would be desirable if this doesn't  
>> break
>> your downstream compatibility.
> Very much the response I was hoping for. We should definitely align  
> bibjson with json-ld
> and I am relying on those familiar with LD to ensure that.
> Mark, please incorporate the above sentences into the BibJSON  
> requirements doc to
> keep us on the rails.
>> Now, omnidator is nothing more than a  GAE deployment (with a bit  
>> of an UI on top) of the Schema.org gateway
>> [3] which happens to leverage the terms defined by Schema.org.  
>> Given  that this is not a show-stopper I'd suggest you clone this  
>> repo and
>> develop a fork, adapting it to your needs.
> This would be excellent.  Mark/Richard, please can you investigate  
> and follow up on this with Michael?
>> If I can be of help (re supported input/output formats) please let me
>> know and I'll prioritise them - simply raising an issue on the  
>> repo  [3] would help to keep track of it (pls. do mention  
>> Schema.org gateway
>> in the issue, as we have quite some sub-projects in it ;)
> Fantastic.  Again, Mark/Richard to follow up.
> Thanks again Michael for such a positive response! I very much hope  
> you can contribute further to
> the bibjson dev.
> all the best
> --Jim
>> [1] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?LinguaFrancaPattern
>> [2] http://json-ld.org/
>> [3] https://github.com/mhausenblas/schema-org-rdf/tree/master/tools/schema-gateway
>> --
>> Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
>> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
>> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
>> Ireland, Europe
>> Tel. +353 91 495730
>> http://linkeddata.deri.ie/
>> http://sw-app.org/about.html
> ----------------------------------------------
> Jim Pitman
> Director, Bibliographic Knowledge Network Project
> http://www.bibkn.org/
> Professor of Statistics and Mathematics
> University of California
> 367 Evans Hall # 3860
> Berkeley, CA 94720-3860
> ph: 510-642-9970  fax: 510-642-7892
> e-mail: pitman at stat.berkeley.edu
> URL: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman

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