[bigclean] Exact date for the Big Clean?

Antti "Jogi" Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 12:44:26 UTC 2011

Hi Jindřich,

I appologize the slow response. The date is still unsure because some people
suggested changing it to further in future while on the other hand the
mentioned dates 18-20 March may all ready be in some peoples calendar.

The thing is that we want to make this event well organised, since all sorts
of hack days are becoming popular and we don't want that people get tired of

I suggest that we (Jindřich included) have a skype call about this in near
future. Could Aidan for example create a doodle and suggest some


Antti Poikola

2011/1/28 Jindřich Mynarz <mynarzjindrich at gmail.com>

>  Hi,
> we (@jindrichmynarz and @josefslerka) have started planning the Big Clean
> in Prague, Czech Republic. However, in order to book a venue for the event,
> we need to know its exact data. Currently, the planning EtherPad reads 18th
> to 20th of March and I haven't found any new decision regarding the exact
> date. So, has there been a decision to pinpoint the date of the Big Clean?
> We would prefer March 19 (Saturday) which would be best for our venue (the
> National Technical Library - http://www.techlib.cz/en/). There is also the
> option of having the Big Clean events roughly in the same time, i.e. withing
> the span of the proposed three days.
> Best,
> Jindrich
> Jindrich Mynarz
> National Technical Library, Prague
> Technicka 6/2710
> 160 80  Praha 6
> Czech Republic
> E-mail: jindrich.mynarz at techlib.cz
> Web: *http://www.techlib.cz/en*
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