[ciência aberta]Solicitação em open source drug discovery

Alexandre Hannud Abdo abdo em member.fsf.org
Quarta Abril 17 20:35:13 UTC 2013


Olá pessoal, eis aqui uma solicitação já provocada pela notícia da
formação do grupo de trabalho =)

Resumindo o email que segue encaminhado abaixo. o Mat (U. of Sydney)
busca colaboradores brasileiros interessados em metodologias abertas
para "chemical synthesis or biology of relevance to parasitic diseases".

Se alguém conhecer potenciais interessados, por favor encaminhem para
eles, e escrevam para o Mat para quaisquer esclarecimentos:

Matthew Todd <matthew.todd em sydney.edu.au>

Um abraço,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Fwd: Open Science Project in Brazil
Date: 	Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:19:25 +1000
From: 	Matthew Todd <matthew.todd em sydney.edu.au>
To: 	Alexandre Hannud Abdo <abdo em member.fsf.org>

Excellent, thanks. It's about drug discovery. We're doing this:


...and I'd love to talk to people in Brazil in a similar field of drug
discovery since there is a very interesting project that needs to be
done, and I have an idea of how to do it and how to fund it. So the
people I need to speak with are academics doing chemical synthesis or
biology of relevance to parasitic diseases. It would help if those
people are sympathetic to the idea of working openly, which is not
common in the drug field.



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