[ciência aberta] Pesquisa - Open Access Academy

Iara Vidal iaravidalps em gmail.com
Segunda Abril 18 17:21:06 UTC 2016


A Open Access Academy, um projeto europeu, está fazendo uma pesquisa para
determinar o nível de conhecimento de estudantes e pesquisadores em início
de carreira sobre o acesso aberto. As informações sobre a pesquisa e o link
para o questionário seguem abaixo, se puderem, por favor respondam e/ou
encaminhem a outras pessoas que possam ter interesse.

Iara Vidal
Doutoranda / PhD Student

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Slobodan Radicev <noreply em survey.oaacademy.org>
Date: 2016-04-08 5:12 GMT-03:00
Subject: Open Access Academy Survey
To: "iaravidalps em gmail.com" <iaravidalps em gmail.com>

Dear colleagues,

We are a group of young researchers gathered around the Open Access Academy
(OAA) project who are keen to make it easier for people like us to publish
their work. OAA is a nonprofit initiative for the very best in science and
science communication. We are contacting you because we value your input as
a member of academic society.

This survey collects information about awareness on open access among
students and early stage researchers. The results will be used to help
prepare resources, provide support and advice for students and young
researchers in their journey from writing to publishing papers.

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer our
questions. We would also  appreciate your help in passing the survey to
other students and young researchers who might be interested in
contributing to our work.

Link to survey: http://oaacademy.org/survey2016.php (estimated time for
completing the survey is 3 min)

If you have any questions about the survey, please email us:
info em oaacademy.org

Many thanks for your input!

On behalf of OAA project
Daniel, Iara, Ivo, Natalia, Prateek, Osman and Slobodan

Open Access Academy
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