[ckan-dev] migrate repository

David Raznick kindly at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 12:37:25 UTC 2011


Currently the state of migrate repository has diverged from the current
definitions.  It is a mess.

There are two fields in the current model that are not it the migrate
repository.  This is a serous error and will cause upgrades to go wrong.

 * harvesting_job.errors
 * authorization_group_user.id

Can anyone give me help to decide where in the migrate scripts these should
be added?

If you add them too early then people upgrading after that point will still
not have them.  Too late and people may already have them and the upgrade
will crash.   I do not want to resort to having logic in the migrate scripts
i.e if you already have the field don't bother, but this might have to

On top of this there are

 * 14 fields which are stated as not null in the model and nullable in the
 * 2 occasions where joint primary keys are being made in the  that are not
in the current mode.

I am trying to sort this out by making a plugin that runs db clean, db
update before each tests (ticket 965).  This is what flagged the issues.

It would be good if we could be in a state where we could run update db
instead of create db when creating a new ckan instance.  Currently we are

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