[ckan-dev] millions of call_timing files

William Waites ww at styx.org
Wed Jan 26 18:55:19 UTC 2011

* [2011-01-26 18:40:45 +0000] David Read <david.read at okfn.org> écrit:

] I saw a terrible one where the mere existence of the config key turned
] on a feature, whatever you set it to!

yeah, this is one of those :)

] > to check config variables not config.get("foo", None)
] > because then you can't write confusing things in the
] > config like
] >
] >       foo_feature = false
] >
] > to enable it!
] Well I hope I didn't write something that allowed that! The docs
] should be clear on all the existing features I've been involved with.

I don't think it was you...

] Have you started the wiki or are these tips just going to get left
] forgotten in our email tray...?

Am just patching http://wiki.okfn.org/Coding_Standards now

William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://eris.okfn.org/ww/         <sip:ww at styx.org>
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