[ckan-dev] Docs draft

David Read david.read at okfn.org
Wed Jul 27 10:27:07 UTC 2011


Many thanks for the notes about your install. As you know, our install
notes are complicated enough to cope with the database, file
permissions, WSGI web service, how they want to configure CKAN etc.,
so we haven't covered other distros etc. But you do make some useful
points of places we can explain further what is going on and what to
look for. And you are dead right that CKAN can work happily in all
sorts of environments, if you have a bit of experience.

What concerns me in the wider documentation sense, is that Anna's
change deletes our 'manual install' notes that Ewan followed, in
favour of the debian packaging approach, when that is simply not ready
yet. I've not managed to get the debian packaging system running on my
own machine yet, let alone expecting anyone else to be able to
configure their own package to install how they want. I think we
should ensure the manual install notes are saved alongside the debian
install, at least for the time being.


On 27 July 2011 11:06, Ewan Klein <ewan.klein at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm not sure how germane this is, but I've written some notes on my experiences (as a complete CKAN newbie) in trying to install CKAN on a non-Ubuntu system without root permission:
> http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ewan/ckan/install-ckan-issues.html
> Hopefully some of this will be of use to others.
> Regards,
> Ewan
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