[ckan-dev] ckanext-rdf: Consolitdated RDF handling for CKAN

William Waites ww at styx.org
Wed Jun 1 15:51:34 UTC 2011

* [2011-06-01 16:02:20 +0100] Adrià Mercader <amercadero at gmail.com> écrit:

] Hi all,
] Related to this topic, which do you think would be the more "natural"
] routing to a package RDF representation?
]  * /package/{id}.rdf
]  * /api/rest/package/{id}.rdf
]  * /record/{id}.rdf    (semantic.ckan.net uses this one)
] I'd say I prefer the first one, but maybe is not conceptually correct?

The semantic.ckan.net choice is deliberate but doesn't follow the ckan
data model (ckans are just one possible source of metadata). The
reasoning is that the document describes a record which is about a

In a ckan-specific scenario I would agree with you the first is
better, but keep in mind that the thing being described is going to be
/package/{id} and it will have various representations, .html, .rdf,
.ttl, .json, etc.

Also keep in mind that this arrangement (which is configurable) does
not follow the cabinet office guidelines, which say you should use
/id/package/{id} for the identifiers and
/doc/package/{id}.(rdf|html|whatever) for the representations...


William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://river.styx.org/ww/        <sip:ww at styx.org>
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