[ckan-dev] Recent upgrade (?) and issues

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun Jun 12 14:42:00 UTC 2011

On 10 June 2011 16:32, David Raznick <kindly at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
> wrote:
>> OK, I've also discovered I'm getting issues with a several other
>> fields when using preview then save. End up with fields looking like:
>> [u'My title', u'My title']
>> (You can see this in history of: <http://ckan.net/package/ngcoba>).
>> I'd like to demo this on test.ckan.net but note that is at different
>> version (v1.4.1a v v1.4.1b) and does not seem to display the problem.
>> Looks like this is getting converted to a list of values on way in
>> some way. Do we have a preview test?
> The error was not due to the preview it was due to the params being used
> from url.  This only happens when using the bookmarklet as it keeps the
> params in the url.  This has been fixed so that the form saving only uses
> the POST part of the request.  I may need to think of better validation
> handing as two params with the same key get turned into a list, before they
> were just being conveniently deduplicated.

Great to hear this is fixed. Let me know when fix has gone live to
test.ckan.net and ckan.net.

I've just found another "bug" when tracking down the issues with the
ckan-admin/trash purge stuff (BTW: note to all, the revisioning of
user edits seems to be an "accident" since User objects aren't
revisioned. Thus deleting the revisions associated to user changes has
no effect on underlying User objects and hence is *not* a way to
delete spam users. What we just need is a delete option on user page
for sysadmins -- I can look into this.)

When trying to purge packages in ckan-admin/trash I get error messages of form:

Problem purging revision 0abb62c9-f1b0-4bdd-8010-1c30fff6a784: can
only use resources on packages if there is only one resource_group

I note that purge seemed to work ok for packages with only one
revision but failed with those with more than one revision. The purge
method in vdm works by deleting revisions 'backwards' from most recent
and updating the continuity. It then finally deletes the continuity
object if you delete the last revision of that object. I'm wondering
if the vdm purge method needs updating in some way to reflect latest
changes in core code ...?


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