[ckan-dev] metadata_created

Florian Marienfeld florian.marienfeld at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Wed Oct 12 09:26:46 UTC 2011


I noticed that metadata_created is the same for all datasets. both in
our apt-based ckan and in dgu. does this field refer to the schema
creation? we were looking for a way to find the most recently created
packages. could/should we update metadata_created ourselves, or is
metadata_modified the field to look at? (apparently dgu does this)

Best regards, thanks in advance,


Florian Marienfeld
Dipl.-Ing. Tech.-Inf.

Fraunhofer FOKUS
- CC Motion -
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin
+49 30 3463 7127

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