[ckan-dev] fi.thedatahub.org installation - some help needed

Jaakko Louhio jaakko.louhio at floapps.com
Mon Jan 16 08:35:17 UTC 2012

> On 13 January 2012 03:05, Henri Ahti <henri.ahti at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are currently installing ckan to fi.thedatahub.org. We used package
>> installation on ubuntu 10.04 server according to these instructions:
>> http://readthedocs.org/docs/ckan/en/latest/install-from-package.html.
>> However, there seems to be extra '?id=None' -parameter that is appended  
>> to
>> some links, for example to 'Search' -link
>> (http://fi.thedatahub.org/dataset?id=None), and that of course screws up
>> the search (adds an extra unwanted search filter). There are several  
>> other
>> places, even when creating a new package. So, it seems that there is  
>> extra
>> get -parameter that is for whatever reason carried around. Do you have  
>> any
>> idea what might cause this and how to fix it?
> What causes this is Routes config (the url generation in Pylons). We
> have seen this before. What is happening here is that Pylons can
> operate in different modes and in the strict mode (which we are now
> use) it won't default any parameters which can have the affect of this
> ?id=None showing up. I have to say we thought this was completely
> eliminated (e.g. it does not happen on thedatahub.org) so surprised
> you are encountering it.
> How are you generating these links that get the id=None parameter? For
> example we are generating search link (which goes to /dataset) on the
> front page by doing:
> url_for(controller='package', action='index')

We have default out of the box install from package repository on ubuntu
10.04 that gives us problems with links having extra ?id=None parameter.
We don't have a custom theme for now. For example, each of the links at
layout_base menu have this extra parameter and they are generated as such:

   <span py:if="h.check_access('package_create')">
     ${h.nav_link(c, _('Add a dataset'), controller='package',  
   ${h.nav_link(c, _('Search'), controller='package', action='index'
   , highlight_actions = 'new index')}
   ${h.nav_link(c, _('Groups'), controller='group', action='index')}
   ${h.nav_link(c, _('About'), controller='home', action='about')}

Also links to API contain ?id=None:

     ${h.link_to(_('API'), h.url_for(controller='api', action='get_api'))}
   <li>${h.link_to(_('API Docs'), 'http://wiki.ckan.net/API')}</li>

as well as login and register links:

   <a href="${h.url_for(controller='user',action='login')}">Login</a>
   <a href="${h.url_for(controller='user',action='register')}">Register</a>

Mostly that extra ?id=None parameter is harmless, I think, but when
going through that search link, it uses that ?id=None as a search facet.
That will of course screw up the search.
Can this be fixed with Routes config or is the issue more complicated?

>> Only thing that went 'wrong' in the installation was that we had to
>> initialize database after installation scripts failed to do it.
> Was that due to permissions?

Probably, or because of newer version of postgres. Unfortunately I didn't
copy the error message. But it was due to not being able to create database
for reason or another. We had 9.x version of postgres installed when I
tried the installation. After the db part of install failed, I installed
postgres version 8.4, made user account for ckan by hand and created a db
with owner being ckan. Then I ran init db script, and it worked.

>> Also, we need two extensions on our installation. Googleanalytics and
>> disqus. Googleanalytics seems to work at least somewhat (writes to log
>> after doing its things) after installing it like instructed in the
>> tutorial
>> (http://readthedocs.org/docs/ckan/en/latest/install-from-package.html)  
>> and
>> in the extension readme. But, we can't seem to get disqus working. Ckan
>> finds the extension, but it does seem to do nothing (does not write
>> anything to log). We have disqus account 'datahubsuomi' for
>> fi.thedatahub.org and ckan is configured to use extensions like so:
>> ckan.plugins = disqus googleanalytics
>> disqus.name = datahubsuomi
>> Is there some further magic that is required or is there some  
>> compability
>> issue with newer ckan version/package install version or something else
>> that we should know?
> Hmmm, I believe that some changes with the default v1.5 theme may have
> caused some problems here. We'll take look asap (probably tomorrow)
> and get back with more detail.

According to David, disqus is not compatible with v.1.5 default theme, so  
we will
discuss what we will do with it (dump it or try to fix it).

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