[ckan-dev] Proposal - direct CKAN questions to stackoverflow.com

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Thu Jun 14 19:26:20 UTC 2012

> You need to have at least 4000 points on stackoverflow to make a new
> tag, but I happen to know someone who has this many points, so once the
> first CKAN question has been posted I can ask him to tag it for us

I'm an idiot, there are already CKAN questions on SO, the tag has been


So we just need to decide whether we're going to promote it or not.

I'd like to add another point against, we need not only users but CKAN
devs and other people who answer questions on the CKAN lists to sign up
to stackoverflow, monitor the tag, and start answering questions there.
So we do need buy-in from the whole team if we're going to promote this.

Right now it's my job to watch the lists and make sure everything gets
answered. Generally this job does itself, I answer some questions, and
others answer questions in their area off their own bat. I'm slightly
worried that if lots of questions start coming on SO but few of the
other devs pay attention to it, then I'll make more work for myself.
Right now we have everyone in one place on the mailing lists.

The tag does have email alerts though.

On balance I'm still in favour of giving this a try and promoting it for
a while, if it doesn't work out we just take the links off our sites and
stop encouraging it.

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