[ckan-dev] trac.ckan.org (still) does not support tickets from non-admin users

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun May 27 20:14:28 UTC 2012

Hi Guys,

This was raised a little while ago. I think this is pretty important
to fix as it would allow wider number of people to file issues and

Issue at the moment is trac spam handling does not function correctly
on trac.ckan.org and hence if we allow logged in users to create/edit
tickets we get flooded with spam.

3 options:

a) Fix trac.ckan.org spam handling
b) Migrate to github issues
c) Do nothing :-)

I am actually leaning towards (b) given that we have code there. I've
really come to prefer simplicity of github issues and milestones have
improved quite a bit. Furthermore, there is an API so we could
probably automate migration of tickets (and maybe even keep same
ticket ids ...)


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