[ckan-dev] Resource text search

Eduardo Santos eduardo.edusantos at gmail.com
Tue May 8 13:12:31 UTC 2012

Hi Sean,

Thank you for your answer. Comments below:

> If I understand the question right, you want to use the CKAN API to
> search inside the contents of a resource?

My initial idea is to use Ckan as a content repository. I'm going to
import data in RDF format from another system and store it inside a Ckan
dataset as a resource. On that case, users would search mostly for
resources, not exactly for datasets.

I need to show resources in a more user friendly way also. But that's
just about changing the interface.

>  You can do this with some
> resources using CKAN's DataStore and Data API, see here:
> http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/datastore.html

The documentation is a little bit hard to understand. Considering what
I've learned from practice, it seems like Nginx configuration is wrong
on that page and it's right here:

It seems like the right approach is to really use elastic search in
the /api/data address, considering the API documentation.

The case is: I have to store a resource inside Ckan and search for it
later. What would be the best way to accomplish that?

Eduardo Santos
Analista de Sistemas


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