[ckan-dev] inconsistency, and pb deleting resource

Clement Levallois clementlevallois at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 22:04:56 UTC 2013


This works:

and this is rejected:
/api/action/resource_delete ("Bad request - Action name not known:

while this works:

[note the discrepancy, for the delete action a "/delete/" is necessary but
no "/update" stuff for the corresponding update action]

This said, the call to

always returns a " 404 Not Found The resource could not be found"

I tried to pass a Resource to the method, or the resource' id, in both
cases it does not work.

What can be wrong?



Clement Levallois, PhD
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Netherlands

pro website<http://www.erim.eur.nl/ERIM/People/Person_Details?p_aff_id=4321>
 / personal website <http://www.clementlevallois.net/>

twitter and skype: @seinecle
Discover the NESSHI project: http://www.nesshi.eu
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