[ckan-dev] Harvestor extension for CKAN
Lasse Vestergaard
ibbernik at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 13:00:19 UTC 2013
Hi Adriá.
First of all thank you very much for your patience.
I have no custom extensions and I have installed CKAN on a clean Ubuntu
10.04, so all that's in the pip freeze log was there already (plus the CKAN
parts I installed).
I have been using this manual:
My ini file:
# ckan - Pylons configuration
# The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this
debug = true
email_to = root
smtp_server = localhost
error_email_from = ckan-std at ckan1-desktop
use = egg:Paste#http
host =
port = 5000
use = egg:ckan
full_stack = true
cache_dir = /var/lib/ckan/std/data
beaker.session.key = ckan
beaker.session.secret = m572KeLw/Yvedi1rRkZodxMDE
app_instance_uuid = {099c3568-988e-4407-8586-a0cf51d5a8b0}
# List the names of CKAN extensions to activate.
# Note: This line is required to be here for packaging, even if it is empty.
ckan.plugins = stats datastore datastorer harvest ckan_harvester
# If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs
# for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings
# here:
#beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache
#beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions
# Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to
# execute malicious code after an exception is raised.
set debug = false
# Specify the database for SQLAlchemy to use:
# * Postgres is currently required for a production CKAN deployment
# * Sqlite (memory or file) can be used as a quick alternative for testing
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://std:LIyEh0dR-V@localhost/std
#sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///
#sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/somedb.db
## Datastore
## Uncommment to set the datastore urls
ckan.datastore.write_url = postgresql://writeuser:password@localhost
ckan.datastore.read_url = postgresql://readonlyuser:password@localhost
# repoze.who config
who.config_file = /etc/ckan/std/who.ini
who.log_level = warning
who.log_file = %(cache_dir)s/who_log.ini
# Location of RDF versions of datasets
#rdf_packages = http://semantic.ckan.net/record/
# Location of licenses group (defaults to cached local version of ckan
#licenses_group_url =
# Dataset form to use
package_form = standard
# Hide certain extras fields from dataset read form:
# package_hide_extras = for_search_index_only
# API configuration
#apikey_header_name = X-CKAN-API-Key
## extra places to look for templates and public files (comma separated
## any templates/files found will override correspondingly named ones in
## ckan/templates/ and ckan/public
## (e.g. to override main layout template layout.html or add extra css
# extra_template_paths = %(here)s/my-templates
# extra_public_paths = %(here)s/my-public
# Dataset form integration
#package_edit_return_url = http://another.frontend/dataset/<NAME>
#package_new_return_url = http://another.frontend/dataset/<NAME>
# Turn on messaging with carrot, default to false
#ckan.async_notifier = true
# Messaging module used by carrot:
# * pyamqplib - AMQP (e.g. for RabbitMQ)
# * queue - native Python Queue (debugging and tests only)
#carrot_messaging_library = pyamqplib
## Perform search just using database (rather than use e.g. solr).
## In this setup search is crude and limited .e.g no full-text search, no
faceting ...
## However, very useful for getting up and running quickly with CKAN
# ckan.simple_search = 1
## Title of site (using in several places including templates and <title>
ckan.site_title = CKAN
## Logo image to use on the home page
ckan.site_logo = /img/logo_64px_wide.png
## Site tagline / description (used on front page)
ckan.site_description =
## Used in creating some absolute urls (such as rss feeds, css files) and
## dump filenames
ckan.site_url =http://localhost
## Favicon (default is the CKAN software favicon)
ckan.favicon = /images/icons/ckan.ico
## The gravatar default to use. This can be any of the pre-defined strings
## as defined on http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ (e.g.
## or "mm"). Or it can be a url, e.g. "http://example.com/images/avatar.jpg
ckan.gravatar_default = identicon
## Solr support
solr_url =
## Automatic indexing. Make all changes immediately available via the search
## after editing or creating a dataset. Default is true. If for some reason
## you need the indexing to occur asynchronously, set this option to 0.
# ckan.search.automatic_indexing = 1
## An 'id' for the site (using, for example, when creating entries in a
common search index)
## If not specified derived from the site_url
ckan.site_id = std
## API url to use (e.g. in AJAX callbacks)
## Enable if the API is at a different domain
# ckan.api_url = http://www.ckan.net
## html content to be inserted just before </head> tag (e.g. extra
## NB: can use html e.g. <strong>blah</strong>
## NB: can have multiline strings just indent following lines
# ckan.template_head_end = <link rel="stylesheet" href="
http://mysite.org/css/custom.css" type="text/css">
## html content to be inserted just before </body> tag (e.g. google
analytics code)
## NB: can use html e.g. <strong>blah</strong>
## NB: can have multiline strings just indent following lines
# ckan.template_footer_end =
# These three settings (ckan.log_dir, ckan.dump_dir and ckan.backup_dir) are
# all used in cron jobs, not in CKAN itself. CKAN logging is configured
# in the logging configuration below
# Directory for logs (produced by cron scripts associated with ckan)
ckan.log_dir = %(here)s/log
# Directory for JSON/CSV dumps (must match setting in apache config)
ckan.dump_dir = /var/lib/ckan/std/static/dump
# Directory for SQL database backups
ckan.backup_dir = %(here)s/backup
# Default authorizations for new domain objects
#ckan.default_roles.Package = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in":
#ckan.default_roles.Group = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
#ckan.default_roles.System = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in":
#ckan.default_roles.AuthorizationGroup = {"visitor": ["reader"],
"logged_in": ["reader"]}
## Ckan public and private recaptcha keys [localhost]
#ckan.recaptcha.publickey =
#ckan.recaptcha.privatekey =
# Locale/languages
ckan.locale_default = en
#ckan.locales_offered =
# Languages are grouped by percentage of strings in CKAN 1.8 translated
# (those with 100% first, then those with >=80%, then >=50%, then <50%) and
# within these groups roughly sorted by number of worldwide native speakers
# according to Wikipedia.
ckan.locale_order = en es pt_BR ja fr it ko_KR cs_CZ ca fi el sv sr
sr at latinno sk ru de pl nl bg hu sa sl lv
ckan.locales_filtered_out =
## Atom Feeds
# Settings for customising the metadata provided in
# atom feeds.
# These settings are used to generate the <id> tags for both feeds
# and entries. The unique <id>s are created following the method
# outlined in http://www.taguri.org/ ie - they generate tagURIs, as
# in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4151#section-2.1 :
# <id>tag:thedatahub.org
# Each component has the corresponding settings:
# "thedatahub.org" is ckan.feeds.authority_name
# "2012" is ckan.feeds.date
# Leave blank to use the ckan.site_url config value, otherwise set to a
# domain or email address that you own. e.g. thedatahub.org or
# admin at thedatahub.org
ckan.feeds.authority_name =
# Pick a date of the form "yyyy[-mm[-dd]]" during which the above domain was
# owned by you.
ckan.feeds.date = 2012
# If not set, then the value in `ckan.site_id` is used.
ckan.feeds.author_name =
# If not set, then the value in `ckan.site_url` is used.
ckan.feeds.author_link =
## File Store
# CKAN allows users to upload files directly to file storage either on the
# file system or to online ‘cloud’ storage like Amazon S3 or Google Storage.
# If you are using local file storage, remember to set ckan.site_url.
# To enable cloud storage (Google or S3), first run: pip install boto
# @see http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/filestore.html
# 'Bucket' to use for file storage
ckan.storage.bucket = /home/ckan1/ckan
# To enable local file storage:
ofs.impl = pairtree
ofs.storage_dir = /home/ckan1/ckan
# To enable Google cloud storage:
#ofs.impl = google
#ofs.gs_access_key_id =
#ofs.gs_secret_access_key =
# To enable S3 cloud storage:
#ofs.impl = s3
#ofs.aws_access_key_id = ....
#ofs.aws_secret_access_key = ....
## ===================================
## Extensions
## Config option to enable the (1 day) cache for stats
## Default (if not defined) is True as stats computations are intensive
# ckanext.stats.cache_enabled = True
# Logging configuration
keys = root, ckan, ckanext
keys = console, file
keys = generic
level = WARNING
handlers = console, file
level = INFO
handlers = console, file
qualname = ckan
propagate = 0
level = DEBUG
handlers = console, file
qualname = ckanext
propagate = 0
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
class = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
formatter = generic
level = NOTSET
args = ("/var/log/ckan/std/std.log", "a", 20000000, 9)
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
2013/1/16 Adrià Mercader <adria.mercader at okfn.org>
> Hi Lasse,
> We would love to help, but I've run out of ideas. I tried on my local
> machine to harvest http://ckan.odaa.dk with ckan 1.8 and
> ckanext-harvest master and it worked fine. 12 datasets were imported,
> including the ones with resources like
> fredede-bygninger-og-fortidsminder.
> I strongly believe that there is an issue with your particular setup.
> Are you using any other extensions, specially custom ones?
> Can you post your ini file online with the security details edited off?
> I see from your pip freeze that there is a lot of stuff that is non
> CKAN related, like Twisted or pycurl which may be affecting things.
> Which instructions are you using for installing CKAN?
> Adrià
> On 16 January 2013 10:24, Lasse Vestergaard <ibbernik at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi again CKAN developers (primarily Adriá).
> >
> > I'm sorry that I push on this issue with the harvester extension, but I'm
> > working on a project for a municipality in Denmark, and I have to give a
> > talk about some of the things I'm working on. The harvester extension
> is, in
> > my opinion, important and extremely relevant and therefor, I would like
> to
> > be able to talk about this (I need to try it out to be able to give a
> proper
> > explanation of it's capabilities). I hope you can find time to help me
> out
> > on the issue.
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Lasse Vestergaard
> >
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