[ckan-dev] harvester - delete/ add harvest sources

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Tue Jul 9 17:08:52 UTC 2013

> I deleted a harvest source via the web interface (delete and clear).
> Afterwards there were no harvest sources shown neither in  the web
> interface nor via paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester sources
> --config=/etc/ckan/default/development.ini as expected. Nevertheless
> when creating a new harvest source with the same url as the formerly
> deleted source,  I get the following message:
> "The form contains invalid entries:
>  * URL: There already is a Harvest Source for this URL: http://hmdk.de/csw
>  * Name: That URL is already in use."
> How can I access the "deleted" sources and remove them correctly -
> otherwise is it possible to reactivate a "deleted" harvest source?

CKAN actually stores the harvest source internally as a dataset. You
need to purge this harvest source dataset before you can create a new
one with the same name. You can purge datasets using the
`paster dataset purge` command, see:


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