[ckan-dev] Can you recommend me some IDE tools or other script tools or something else during your developing and debugging CKAN project.

Ross Jones ross at servercode.co.uk
Tue Mar 5 12:34:05 UTC 2013

Maybe pdb (or ipdb) might be the best place to start - there are a couple
of links at http://pythonadventures.wordpress.com/tag/ipdb/


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 12:12 PM, bupt bupt <buptloveandroid at gmail.com>wrote:

> hello everyone,
> I have already finished installing CKAN by Option1,which website is
> http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.8/install-from-package.html. There is also
> Option2 installing method.
> Now I want to debug CKAN pylons project step by step by setting
> breakpoints in the CKAN pylons project program files. But I don't know how
> to debug this CKAN pylons project. Can you recommend me some IDE tools or
> other script tools or something else during your developing and debugging
> CKAN project. How can I set breakpoints to trace running CKAN pylons
> project file by file. Only in this way I can understand the CKAN project
> architecture clearly.
> I'v tried many ways to suitable tool to debug CKAN, but still didn't work,
> how can I debug CKAN. This problem already obstructed me for several days
> and I nearly despaired.
> please help! Thank you very much!
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