[ckan-dev] Can you recommend me some IDE tools or other script tools or something else during your developing and debugging CKAN project.

Ben Scott bnm at benscott.co.uk
Wed Mar 6 10:18:53 UTC 2013

If you're after an IDE, I can recommend PyCharm http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/index.html. It has built-in debugger tools etc.,


On 5 Mar 2013, at 12:12, bupt bupt <buptloveandroid at gmail.com> wrote:

> hello everyone,
> I have already finished installing CKAN by Option1,which website is http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.8/install-from-package.html. There is also Option2 installing method.
> Now I want to debug CKAN pylons project step by step by setting breakpoints in the CKAN pylons project program files. But I don't know how to debug this CKAN pylons project. Can you recommend me some IDE tools or other script tools or something else during your developing and debugging CKAN project. How can I set breakpoints to trace running CKAN pylons project file by file. Only in this way I can understand the CKAN project architecture clearly.
> I'v tried many ways to suitable tool to debug CKAN, but still didn't work, how can I debug CKAN. This problem already obstructed me for several days and I nearly despaired.
> please help! Thank you very much!
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