[ckan-dev] Can you recommend me some IDE tools or other script tools or something else during your developing and debugging CKAN project.

Peder Jakobsen | gmail pjakobsen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 23:43:45 UTC 2013

> I'v tried many ways to suitable tool to debug CKAN, but still didn't work,
> how can I debug CKAN. This problem already obstructed me for several days
> and I nearly despaired.
> please help! Thank you very much!

Perhaps you'll find the easiest way to get started is with Eclipse and
PyDev (Google is your friend - lots of documentation on this)

They key is to set up Eclipse to work with your Python virtual env.  I
run  "paster serve development.ini"  inside Eclipse, and when I make a
json call or navigate to a page that reaches a breakpoint, Eclipse
fires up the debugger.  Remote debugging is also possible.

Hope that helps,


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