[ckan-dev] how can I use API access data from uploaded xml file or linked xml file(not csv or xls file)

Dominik Moritz dominik.moritz at okfn.org
Sun Mar 17 10:01:10 UTC 2013


The datastorer does not import your xml files into the datastore. At the
moment it only works with csv and excel files. The problem is that there is
no generic way to put a nested file like xml into a table. You will need to
write a script for your file that parses the file and stores it via the
data store api (http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/datastore-api.html).


Sent from mobile
 On 17 Mar 2013 10:00, "bupt bupt" <buptloveandroid at gmail.com> wrote:

> hello everyone,
>         Now I have install datastore and datastorer extension and I can
> successfully use datastore API access data from uploaded xls or csv file(
> after it is uploaded, datastorer extension can automatically store data
> into datastore database ).
>         But if I upload xml file (or txt) file or this dataset is linked
> to xml file address, how can I use API to access data inside uploaded xml
> (or txt ) file or linked ml (or txt ) file? which API can do it?
>         Could you help me solve this problem? You can attach some website
> addresses here about this method or tell me the website addresses and name
> of these API .
>         Thank you very much!
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