[ckan-dev] (perma) delete resouces

Henrik Korsgaard henrikkorsgaard at gmail.com
Mon May 20 13:02:11 UTC 2013

Hi all,

When I delete a resource via the GUI or API, the resource is still visible
from within the user interface. Moreover, when trying to create a new
resource with the same name via the API, it responds with an error ["That
URL is already in use."].

Is there a way to perma delete resources without going directly into the

Maybe this is related with issue 395: Deleted resource is not deleted

Med venlig hilsen - Best regards,

*Henrik Korsgaard*
Phone: +45 22377114
Office: CAVI 114b, Aarhus University

NB. I am slowly migrating my university related correspondence to my
official AU mail: korsgaard at cavi.au.dk - feel free to contact me at that
address if relevant.
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