[ckan-dev] CKAN extensions used for the Swiss Open Data portal

Stefan Oderbolz stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch
Tue Sep 17 15:59:31 UTC 2013

Hi there,

Yesterday was the launching event of the Swiss Open Data portal at the
OKCon: http://opendata.admin.ch/

I just wanted to share with you the CKAN extensions that we created in the
last month to get the Swiss Federal Open Data portal live:

We use an architecture with 3 CKAN instances, one central and two "local"
instances. The custom harvesters run on the local instances and the central
instances uses ckanext-harvest to get the metadata of the two local

If you have questions just drop me a line or create GitHub issues.

Regards Stefan

Liip AG  //  Feldstrasse 133 //  CH-8004 Zurich
Tel +41 43 500 39 80 // GnuPG 0x7B588C67 // www.liip.ch
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