[ckan-dev] DataExplorer - cannot preview resource

Domenico Giusti dncgst at gnewarchaeology.it
Thu Apr 17 10:50:43 UTC 2014

Dear all,

after deploying the source install in my Debian Wheezy 64, I provided my
production CKAN with the DataStore an DataPusher extensions. The
recline_preview extension is also added to ckan.plugins in my
configuration file.

But I get an error when I try to preview a CSV resource:

This resource can not be previewed at the moment. Click here for more

Could not load preview: DataProxy returned an error (Data transformation
failed. HTTPException: Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response
from URL:

I also get an error testing the set-up:

curl -X GET

gives me: curl (7) couldn't connect to host

My /etc/hosts:	localhost
# Apache virtual hosts	ckan.page

Thanks a lot!


Domenico Giusti <dncgst at gnewarchaeology.it>
GPG keyID: 2048R/A3AB7054F6E5D778

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