[ckan-dev] Assign datasets to groups

Stefan Oderbolz stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch
Thu Apr 17 14:58:44 UTC 2014

Hi there,

we encouter a strange behaviour on CKAN 2.0.3:

- User Anne creates a new group called "Books"
- User Anne adds a new datasets and adds it to the group "Books"
- The new dataset gets saved and can be reached via the "Books" group

so far so good, but:

- User Phil adds a new dataset and adds it to the group "Books"
- The new dataset gets saved and is not in the "Books" group (though no
error is shown)
- If the Phil edits the dataset there is actually no group shown,
reselecting the "Books" group and saving the dataset doesn't show an error,
but the dataset is still not added to the "Books" group

It appears that as a user you are not allowed to add datasets to groups
that you didn't create. Is this true? Why does the frontend not show an
error to indicate this? Or should it be possible and there is a bug?

I couldn't really find up to date documentation about this. It seems CKAN
encourages the usage of organizations over groups. Is that correct?

If anybody has some insights, this would be very helpful.

Best regards

Liip AG  //  Feldstrasse 133 //  CH-8004 Zurich
Tel +41 43 500 39 80 // GnuPG 0x7B588C67 // www.liip.ch
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