[ckan-dev] package_create url validation

Ian Ward ian at excess.org
Thu Dec 4 12:58:06 UTC 2014

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:45 AM, Milo Thurston
<milo.thurston at oerc.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> {'extras': [{'key': ’source',
>              'value': 'http://www.mysite.org/original-data'}],
>  'name': 'Training Materials',
>  'owner_org': ‘mysite',
>  'url': '4c90b3c7-d8fa-4b9d-a02b-c11eedc4970a’}
> CKAN gives a 409 error and puts this in the logs:
> ERROR [ckan.controllers.api] Validation error: "{'__type': 'Validation Error', 'name': [u'Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii) characters and these symbols: -_']}”

This is just a bad error message. The error is being generated on the
field 'name' not 'url'. The message should say "Must be purely
lowercase..." not "Url must be purely lowercase..."

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