[ckan-dev] Schema.org extension

Ross Jones ross at servercode.co.uk
Tue Jun 10 13:39:24 UTC 2014


I dropped a mail to Dan Brickley a while back to ask, but didn’t get a response.

Perhaps I’ll give him another try, but I did see examples using this form.  I don’t like the attribute version because it just creates more work the moment anyone starts creating their own templates are breaking things (without knowing).


On 10 Jun 2014, at 14:35, Adrià Mercader <adria.mercader at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi Ross,
> That looks quite useful, and the implementation seems fine to me.
> Will Google / Bing understand the JSON(ld) blob rather than attributes
> on the HTML markup? I haven't looked into schema.org in a while, but
> all examples seemed to point in that direction (this would be useful
> regardless, of course)
> Adrià
> On 10 June 2014 11:37, Ross Jones <ross at servercode.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As part of leedsdatamill (leedsdatamill.org) I’ve started working on a schema.org extension that implements the Dataset and Organization schema for a given CKAN instance. It’s currently incomplete (there is no Catalog) and it embeds the schema in the page via template snippets (as a script with type=‘application/ls+json) for organizations and datasets. I’ve been led to believe that this is an acceptable way of making the schema.org info available, but attempts at clarification have failed.
>> I was wondering if it might be something that someone might consider contributing to? It’s a ridiculously tiny amount of the code at the moment, and relies on you having your own theme installed (so you can easily modify the templates) but I think it could probably be handled in a better way?  I’m expecting that the catalog may need to be generated nightly if you have a lot of datasets, so that will need to be decided.
>> Why bother? Well, it gives a JSON/LD version of the dataset/organization which should help for people wanting easy linked-data versions of the metadata, once the catalog is there it’ll help with harvesting, and also it will ‘allegedly’ give better results in google and bing.
>> The ‘code’ is at https://bitbucket.org/leedsdatamill/ckanext-schemadotorg, and we’ve currently deployed it to staging, so you should be able to see the output in the source at http://staging.leedsdatamill.org/organization/leedscitycouncil and http://staging.leedsdatamill.org/dataset/historic-roadworks
>> Cheers
>> Ross.
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