[ckan-dev] Debian Wheezy 64bit installation help

Domenico Giusti dncgst at gnewarchaeology.it
Tue Mar 25 15:56:33 UTC 2014

Hi all,
I'm trying to install CKAN in a local machine running Debian Wheezy
64bit. I'm following the online tutorial for installation from sources,
but I can't go on because I have an error setting up Solr:

After I restarted the Jelly service, I can see it running on
localhost:8983, but I have

Problem accessing /solr/. Reason:

accessing localhost:8983/solr/

I could not find any help or specific howto on install CKAN on Debian.

Domenico Giusti <dncgst at gnewarchaeology.it>
GPG keyID: 2048R/A3AB7054F6E5D778

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