[ckan-dev] Fact Ranking Game

Bobic, Tamara Tamara.Bobic at hpi.de
Wed Sep 17 11:00:41 UTC 2014

[Apologies for cross-posting. Please redistribute within your own group or among colleagues, thank you!]

Dear all,

in recent years we have experienced an exponential increase of knowledge available on the web. Having such an extensive amount of information poses a challenge when trying to identify globally relevant or important facts. How do we decide which facts are important or most relevant for a certain object?

In effort to address this issue, several fact ranking systems have already been developed. However, the difficulty with current state-of-the-art systems is that there is no gold standard corpus which could serve as a ground truth for evaluating their performances.

We have developed a fun and exciting quiz which will help us to tackle this issue by using the wisdom of the crowd. While you are playing, your inputs (which are greatly appreciated) will contribute to our scientific experiment. Together, we will build a first corpus that will help our scientific community in evaluating different fact ranking strategies!

Here you will find our tool<http://s16a.org/fr/> [1] that is used to rank facts about ~500 popular entities from Wikipedia. The registration is very simple and takes 1 min, after which you will be taken to a page where the task is explained in more detail.
You may interrupt your rating of the presented facts any time you like and continue later. To make it a bit more interesting, you will be assigned points based on your performance, which decide your ranking in the highscore list.

There is no right or wrong answer. Just vote as you think it seems right for you. Afterwards, we will aggregate all votes from all participants to determine the general (mainstream) relevance of the presented facts.

We would really appreciate your help in this task. Please do also spread the word. The more participants, the more valid our ground truth will be.

[1] Fact Ranking Web-Application<http://s16a.org/fr/>, http://s16a.org/fr/

Thanks and best regards,
Semantic Technologies Team
Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
D-14482 Potsdam
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