[ckan-dev] Problem modifying CSS and theming

harold carrel haroldcb at hotmail.fr
Thu Sep 18 13:04:07 UTC 2014

Hi everybody,
I've just installed CKAN 2.2 from source and everything works until there.
I'm now following the doc for modifying theming on http://docs.ckan.org/en/847-new-theming-docs/theming.html
When I reload my frontpage with an empty "index.html" file, I see an empty page which is normal.
But when I add this code: 
{% ckan_extends %}

{% block secondary_content %}
  Hello block world!
{% endblock %}  The default page is displayed and I still see the featured groups instead of seeing "Hello world" (and the same problem for all modifications after...)
I don't know where the problem can come from (folder rights, a missing module...?).
If someone got the same problem or thinks about a possible I would be grateful!

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