[ckan-dev] Storing JSON in resource metadata

Hendrik Bunke bunke.hendrik at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 15:09:30 UTC 2015

--On 2015-06-16 15:17, Hendrik Bunke wrote:
> --On 2015-06-16 14:34, Hendrik Bunke wrote:
> > This code, essentially, works for datasets but not for resources. That's why I
> > was assuming that storing JSON in resources extra fields is not supported yet.
> Correction: that code works only for updating an existing
> dataset, not for creating one. I'll debug that, sorry for the
> noise.

Tried to debug but couldn't find the reason. Has anybody an idea,
why _updating_ an existing dataset with the above mentioned
validator (which stores JSON) works as expected, but _creation_
of a new dataset (or resource) throws an error like this (from
the debugger):

    > /home/bunke/dev/edawax/ckanenv/src/ckan/ckan/logic/action/create.py(310)resource_create()
    -> errors = e.error_dict['resources'][-1]
    (Pdb) e.error_dict
    {'__junk': [u"The input field [('dara_authors', 1,
    u'authorID_Type'), ('dara_authors', 1, u'firstname'),
    ('dara_authors', 1, u'affil'), ('dara_authors', 1, u'lastname'),
    ('dara_authors', 0, u'firstname'), ('dara_authors', 0,
    u'authorID_Type'), ('dara_authors', 1, u'authorID'),
    ('dara_authors', 0, u'authorID'), ('dara_authors', 0,
    u'lastname'), ('dara_authors', 0, u'affil')] was not expected."]}


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