[ckan-dev] Organization hierarchy
lucia.espona at wsl.ch
lucia.espona at wsl.ch
Tue Aug 16 12:52:22 UTC 2016
Hi Stefan
I have found an issue with the hierarchy extension. When I now try to search in the search field of the organization read view by some word I get always zero datasets.
I can see the datasets if I leave blank the search field. If I search in the data read view, selecting one organization facet, all goes fine and datasets are found.
For example:
http://envidat02.wsl.ch:5000/organization/wsl -> 2 Datasets
http://envidat02.wsl.ch:5000/organization/wsl?q=test&sort=score+desc%2C+metadata_modified+desc -> 0 Datasets!!
http://envidat02.wsl.ch:5000/dataset?q=test&organization=wsl&sort=score+desc%2C+metadata_modified+desc -> 1 Dataset
I have been taking a look to the datagovuk who developed the extension, there when you search in the organization read you get redirected to data/search?q=xxxx&organization=yyy
Do you or someone have an idea of where could be the problem? The extension doesn't seem to be doing much changes, and what I added is only for displaying purposes.
Many thanks in advance,
Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Hauptgebäaude Labortrakt (HL C21)
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
+41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
+41 44 739 21 11 reception
-----"ckan-dev" <ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> wrote: -----
To: ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org
From: lucia.espona at wsl.ch
Sent by: "ckan-dev"
Date: 11.08.2016 18:50
Subject: [ckan-dev] Fwd: Organization hierarchy
I forgot to cc the mail list :)
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Lucia Espona Pernas" <lucia.espona at wsl.ch>
Date: 10. August 2016 um 21:50:04 MESZ
To: "Stefan Oderbolz" <stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch>
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] Organization hierarchy
Thanks Stefan
The parameter fixed the issue!
I also improved a bit the display of the organization tree and included a section in the side pane of the organization read page. This last works well because I have short organization names, maybe not for everyone :)
Here is the modified extension: https://github.com/espona/ckanext-hierarchy
I will go fight with the Solr facets then. I saw in data.gov.uk instance that they have an option to include datasets from children organizations (sub-publishers). I will try to get something like that.
Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Hauptgebäaude Labortrakt (HL C21)
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
+41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
+41 44 739 21 11 reception
-----Stefan Oderbolz <stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch> wrote: -----
To: lucia.espona at wsl.ch
From: Stefan Oderbolz <stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch>
Date: 10.08.2016 17:10
Cc: CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] Organization hierarchy
Thanks for the code!
It all works well, the links point to the proper locations. My problem is that the link_for I added for the upstream organizations generates a hiperlink in shown in bold, for example:
<a class=" active" href="/organization/lfi">LFI</a>
Is there a possibility to avoid thet the class "active" is added to the link?
There is an argument called "suppress_active_class" which does exactly that:
{% link_for parent_node.title|truncate(35), controller='organization', action='read', id=parent_node.name, suppress_active_class=true %}
- Stefan
Liip AG // Limmatstrasse 183 // CH-8005 Zürich
Tel +41 43 500 39 80 // GnuPG 0x7B588C67 // www.liip.ch
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