[ckan-dev] CKAN API 'extras' field

Mike Sinclair mm.sinclair08 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 13:12:45 UTC 2016

For the 'upload' value in the API. Do you happen to know the format for
that. I tried specifying the path of a local file but that didn't work.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Mike Sinclair <mm.sinclair08 at gmail.com>

> Thank you!
> Kinda verbose but it works. :)
> Mike
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 4:00 AM, Mike Sinclair <info at opengovgear.com>
> wrote:
>> Thank you!
>> Ah, nice and verbose. Second question..
>> For some reason when I upload datasets through the api, they don't show
>> up in their proper org and they are not found in the dataset listing.
>> However, if I use the direct URL I can see the dataset.
>> They are public and belong to the correct org.
>> Mike
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 3:45 AM, Pedro G Silva <
>> pedro.gracio at deimos.com.pt> wrote:
>>>    - extras:
>>>    [
>>>       -
>>>       {
>>>          - key: "Datatype",
>>>          - value: "Grid"
>>>          },
>>>       -
>>>       {
>>>          - key: "Start Time",
>>>          - value: "2015-11-27T00:00:00"
>>>          },
>>>       -
>>>       {
>>>          - key: "Stop Time",
>>>          - value: "2015-12-03T00:00:00"
>>>          },
>>>       -
>>>       {
>>>          - key: "spatial",
>>>          - value: "{"type":"Polygon","crs":{"type":"EPSG","properties":{"code":4326,"coordinate_order":"Long,Lat"}},"coordinates":[[[-8.8,39.8],[-8.8,40.4],
>>>          [-9.4,40.4], [-9.4,39.8], [-8.8,39.8]]]}"
>>>          }
>>>       ],
>>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Mike Sinclair <mm.sinclair08 at gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Is there something I am doing wrong here? extras seem to break it..
>>>> {
>>>>     "name": "cemeteries13",
>>>>     "title": "Cemeteries13",
>>>>     "owner_org": "test",
>>>>     "groups": [
>>>>     {"name": "arts-and-culture"}
>>>>     ],
>>>>     "url": "upload",
>>>>     "notes": "something here",
>>>>     "state": "Active",
>>>>     "extras": [
>>>>       {"test": "the thing"}]
>>>> }
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>>> [image: DEIMOS Engenharia, SA] <http://www.deimos.pt>
>>> *Pedro Gracio Silva*
>>> Aerospace Systems / Production Center
>>> *Av. D. Joao II, Lt 1.17.01, 10 • 1998-023 Lisboa, Portugal*
>>> Ph: +351 21 893 3020 • Fax: +351 21 896 9099
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