[ckan-dev] Do you love CKAN?

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Fri Mar 17 12:15:31 UTC 2017

Or, if it is not love, then maybe something which is easier to put into

The CKAN Association is currently working on a new website for ckan.org.
Initially this is just a simple design and content refresh. I may have a
string of requests on this subject over the days ahead...

Here is one right now:
If you would like to submit a testimonial/endorsement for CKAN, one that
may feature on the new website, please email it to me. Something around 140
characters would be great, with your name and a URL for the CKAN portal you
are involved with.

Massive thanks in advance!


*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
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